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2020/1/1 9:01:40发布190次查看
 ect-cb20体育馆计时记分设备是用于各类室内、室外体育比赛场馆所举办 的各种球类比赛、信息发布,中使用的系列便携式“计时记分系统”。 通过比赛指定裁判或指定工作人员的现场操作,控制比赛节奏和统计比赛数据,并通过现场显示系统将所操作的结果自动显示出来,同时通过后台计算机完成部分数据的统计●适应体育场馆智能化、规模化的需求;●体育比赛专业性、趣味性、观赏性的需求;●提高比赛质量,提高工作效率,提升场馆形象;设备体积精巧、功能强大、操作简便、数据安全稳定准确;ect-cb20体育馆计时记分设备支持多种对抗类比赛项目,包括足、篮、排、乒、羽、等多种球类比赛。ect-cb20体育馆计时记分系统是目前国内可全面支持电视转播功能的计时记分系统,在比赛中可实现全方位的比赛数据(比分、局比分、犯规、暂停、换人、换局、换发、个人得分、个人犯规、比赛时间、24秒计时等以及去掉分分等比赛需求)的实时传输。
ect-cb20 stadium timing and scoring equipment is used for a variety of ball games all kinds of indoor and outdoor sports venues organized, information dissemination, used in portable series timing and scoring system. specifies the referee or designated staff of field operations through the game, control the game tempo and statistical data, and through on-site display system will automatically show up in the results of the operation, part of the statistical data through the background while completing computer 鈼adapt stadiums intelligent, the scale of the needs; 鈼professional sports competitions, fun, entertaining needs; 鈼improve the quality of competition, improve efficiency and enhance the image of the venue; equipment volume compact, powerful, easy to operate, stable and accurate data security; ect-cb20 stadium against the timing and scoring devices support multiple class events, including foot, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, feathers, and other ball games. ect-cb20 stadium timing and scoring system is currently fully supports the tv function timing and scoring system, enabling a full range of game data (score, the score, foul, pause, substitutions in the game, switching office, renewal, individual scores, a personal foul, game time, 24-second timer and other real-time transmission and remove the points classification match demand) is.



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