evac压力表6546805『洽谈:0595-28767876尤工177-5080-1257qq:2851519514 微信:17750801257欢迎前来咨询洽谈!』依瓦克马桶配件阀
vacuum toilet
6543418 evac 910, wall model, prestige silent, white
6543419 evac 910, wall model, mosaik, white
6547226 evac 910, wall model, prestige soft closing, white
6543420 evac 910, wall model usph, prestige silent, white
6543421 evac 910, wall model usph, mosaik, white
6544766 evac 910, wall model usph, open front, white
6547227 evac 910, wall model usph, prestige soft closing
6545825 evac 910, floor model, silent (evacinhush), white
6545826 evac 910, floor model, trevi, white
6545827 evac 910, floor model usph, silent (evacinhush), white
6545031 evac 910, b15, wall model usph, prestige silent, white
6545030 evac 910, b15, wall model, prestige silent, white
6545828 evac 910, floor model usph, trevi, white
6545829 evac 910, floor model usph, open front, white
6544286 evac classic toilet, wall model, white (control mechanism on porcelain)
6543766 wall push button kit (optional)
6545960 evac 910, stainless steel model
6544287 evac classic toilet, wall model usph, white, (control mechanism on porcelain)
6543766 wall push button kit (optional)
vacuum interface valve
6543521 vacuum interface unit 2l, connection upwards
6543469 vacuum interface unit 2l, connection downwards / sidewards
6545872 vacuum interface unit 5l, connection upwards
6545873 vacuum interface unit 5l, connection downwards
6548640 vacuum interface unit for gravity toilet
collecting units, dn100
standard units, am 1111, ahm1122, ahmm 1133, ahmm 1144
vacuum tank units
6543975 vacuum tank unit type 1350
6543979 vacuum tank unit type 1280
6543973 vacuum tank unit type 3350
6543977 vacuum tank unit type 3280
6543974 vacuum tank unit type 6350
6543978 vacuum tank unit type 6280
standard mbr units
6546142 evac mbr 40
6546143 evac mbr 80
6546144 evac mbr 120
6546145 evac mbr 160
6546146 evac mbr 240
evac mbr 40 - 240
evac mbr 40c - 240c
6546101 evac mbr 40c (combined)
6546094 evac mbr 80c (combined)
6546098 evac mbr 120c (combined)
6546099 evac mbr 160c (combined)
6549100 evac mbr 240c (combined)
standard units
6549024 orca iii 15 6549025 orca iii 35
6549026 orca iii 50 6549027 orca iii 65
6549929 urinal autoflush
6542707 porcelain urinal
5990481 wall urinal
5979312 flushing valve, dn15
chatcher unit
6541712 catcher unit
vacuum toilet
6541452 ragsnag ring for piping clogging prevention
back plate p/n 6545032 has been certified as a pipe penetration for b-15 bulkheads in conformity with:
ec type examination certificate no. med 0750013/m1
uscg approval no. 164.138/ec0038/med 070013/m1
certificate of type approval no. sas f070021/m1
back plate p/n 6545032 has been certified as a pipe penetration for b-15 bulkheads in conformity with:
ec type examination certificate no. med 0750013/m1
uscg approval no. 164.138/ec0038/med 070013/m1
certificate of type approval no. sas f070021/m1
p/n 6543420 evac 910, wall model usph, prestige silent and
p/n 6547227 evac 910, wall model usph, prestige soft closing:
net weight: 21.6 ±0.5kg
shipping weight: 25.1 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m 3
p/n 6543421 evac 910, wall model usph, mosaik:
net weight: 18.6 ±0.5kg
shipping weight: 20.6 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m 3
p/n 6544766 evac 910, wall model usph, open front:
net weight: 20.4 ±0.5kg
shipping weight: 22.9 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m
p/n 6545825 evac 910, floor model, silent:
net weight: 22.6 ±0.5kg
shipping weight: 24.6 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m 3
p/n 6545826 evac 910, floor model, trevi:
net weight: 20.7 ± 0.5kg
shipping weight: 19.4 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m
p/n 6545827 evac 910, floor model usph, silent:
net weight: 23.6 ±0.5kg
shipping weight: 25.6 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m3
p/n 6545828 evac 910, floor model usph, trevi:
net weight: 21.7 ±0.5kg
shipping weight: 23.7 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m3
p/n 6545829 evac 910, floor model usph, open front:
net weight: 23.6 ±0.5kg
shipping weight: 25.6 ±0.5kg
shipping volume: 0.168m3
control mechanism on wall:
optional wall push button kit p/n 6543766,
not included in p/n 6544286
control mechanism on wall:
optional wall push button kit p/n 6543766,
not included in p/n 6544287
p/n 6541458
pneumatic push button
vacuum inlet: dn80 pn10
discharge: dn100 pn10
ventilation: dn100 pn10
evac弯头5430164 elbow evac软管5433217 water connection hose evac托架5350001 bracket evac 5350004 locking pin
evac按钮5350010 push button, complete evac软管5470214 hose evac微型止回阀5959902 mini-check valve evac微型止回阀5433281 hose with mini-check valve evac vt-控制5775500 另类喷嘴:
p / n5778000,白30 p / n5778004,黄色20 evac水阀5774002 evac 5820900弯头 6541458按钮 5778994托架 5778991软管,乳头 5774000水阀 5433215水 连接 5481102软管 6542402软管夹 5410296螺丝钉 6542367支架按钮
蹲式排泄阀 6541124
空气控制器 5775500
机控阀 5474106 vm1000-4nu-00
空气过滤调节器 5478418
主过滤器 51150210
压力表 5115018
水阀 5774010
水增压器 5474130
水(管路)过滤器 5472746
微型止回阀 5959902
止回阀(水增压器) 5959605
阀组(气阀) 5474117
大按钮 5900200
橡胶弯头 5433583
橡胶直接头 5433572
真空喷射器 5406130
臭气过滤器 5475180
真空表 5470461
真空(压力)开关 5437598rt121
温度控制器 5475611
电加热管 220v 1000w 2080mm
电加热管 220v 1000w 1890mm
大浮球液位开关 lf10clo
电磁阀 vxd2130-03-5d
消音器 an103-01
通风阀 vnb104a-10a
五通电磁阀 sy5120-5dd-0
过滤减压阀 aw20-02bce
evac座式排泄阀 5435016
evac空气控制器 5775500
evac机控阀 5474106 vm1000-4nu-00
evac空气过滤调节器 5478418
evac主过滤器 51150210
evac压力表 5115018
evac水阀 5774010
evac水增压器 5474130
evac水(管路)过滤器 5472746
evac微型止回阀 5959902
evac止回阀(水增压器) 5959605
evac阀组(气阀) 5474117
evac大按钮 5900200
evac橡胶弯头 5433583
evac橡胶直接头 5433572
evac真空喷射器 5406130
evac臭气过滤器 5475180
蓝色接口 6540524
铜阀套 5980800
控制器 6541675
控制器 5775500
5775500 5774002 5959902 6541675 3510100
evac大浮球液位开关 lf10clo
evac橡胶直接头 5433572 evac水(管路)过滤器5472746
evac 真空(压力)开关5437598rt121 .5775500
2.执行机构(小便池) 6541675
3.灰水阀 6542811
1.气动控制器(control mechanism) art. no:5775500
2.rubber diaphragm,5435169
中国 泉州